The Italian Farmers Confederation (CIA) is an independent and democratic association that affirms the centrality of single and associated farm. It promotes the cultural, moral, civil and economic...More
The Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena-Rimini (Chamber of Commerce of Romagna) is a public institution that carries out, in the province of competence, support and promotion functions of...More
Coldiretti Forlì-Cesena is an important agricultural organization, point of reference for businesses operating in this part of Romagna, local institutions, consumers and associations in which...More
In the Province of Forlì-Cesena the elements come together and give birth to breathtaking scenery. A nature lush and intact, protected and enhanced by the hand of man. From the sea to the...More
Confagricultura of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini is the interprovincial structure of Confagricultura and Agricultural Trade Union Organization. Its mission is to support farms interests at 360°,...More